bootup.c File Reference

Detailed Description

Implementation of the boot process of the Netzer application.

Software License
See the MBCSL for details.
Sven Schlender (kontakt at mobacon dot de)


void BootupInit (void)
 This function initializes the application network module.
BOOL BootupMain (void)
 This function must be called periodically by the application.
void BootupGetNetworkName (BOOL Persistent, BYTE *pNameBuffer, BYTE SizeOfBuffer)
 Delivers the network name of the device.
void BootupEnterBootloader (void)
 Calling this function prepares the bootloader entry.
void BootupBlink (void)
 This function blinks the network LED with a second period.
void BootupResetToFactory (void)
 Sometimes the reset of the persistent data in the EEPROM to a well known state is needed.
IPSelectionModes_t BootupGetIPMode (BOOL bLoadFromPersistent)
 Delivers the current selected Netzer IP mode.
void BootupGetIPAddress (IPField_t Position, BYTE *pBuffer)
 Use this function to obtain any of the device IP addresses.
void BootupPrintIPAddress (IPField_t Position, BYTE *pBuffer)
 Use this function to generate a string from a IP address of this device.
void BootupPrintFormatedIPAddress (BYTE *pIPAddress, BYTE *pBuffer)
 Use this function to print a formated IP address to a given RAM buffer.
BOOL BootupSetIPAddress (IPField_t Position, BYTE *pIPString)
 Use this function to change the given IP address with an IP address string.
void BootupSetNetworkName (BYTE *pName)
 Use this function to change the network name of the device.
void BootupSetHTTPPort (WORD NewPort)
 Set a new port for the HTTP service for the next session (after reboot).
WORD BootupGetHTTPPort (BOOL LoadFromPersistent)
 Delivers the currently set or persistently written port value for the HTTP service.


static SM_BOOTUP _sm
 The local state machine.
static BYTE _au8NetworkDataForBootloader [12]
 Stores the network related data like MAC address and IP address for reboot.
static DWORD _timer
 The timer state for measuring times.
static WORD _persistentHTTPPort
 The HTTP port - staying consistent with EEPROM.

Generated on Fri Mar 29 10:34:27 2013 for Netzer by  doxygen 1.5.5