DHCP.c File Reference

Detailed Description

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Client Module for Microchip TCP/IP Stack.

See the Microchip License Agreement for more details.

Modifications to the original file
  • Search for "MODIFIX" in the code !
  • Removed preprocessor macro STACK_USE_DHCP_CLIENT as always defined.
  • Implemented the AutoIP feature. If the DHCP client does not find any DHCP server and for that reason gets no IP address, a IP address in the 169.254.X.X address pool is choosen. The following functions are affected:
    1. Extended the function DHCPReset()
    2. Extended the function DHCPTask()
  • Removed hostname things
Generate a doxygen page for discussing the Netzer project and the DHCP and AutoIP behavior (High level).


void DHCPReset (void)
 Resets the DHCP Client.
void DHCPDisable (void)
 Disables the DHCP client.
void DHCPEnable (void)
 Enables the DHCP client.
BOOL DHCPIsEnabled (void)
 This function returns the enable state of the DHCP client.
BOOL DHCPHasFailed (void)
 This function returns the failed state of the DHCP client.
void DHCPTask (void)
 Performs periodic DHCP tasks.
BOOL DHCPHasBoundStateChanged (void)
 This function checks whether the internal address bound state of thze DHCP client has changed.
void DHCPGetIPParameterFromServer (IPConfig_t *pIPConfig)
 If DHCP client is bound this function fills the given IP structure with the current IP parameters obtained from DHCP server.

Generated on Fri Mar 29 10:34:27 2013 for Netzer by  doxygen 1.5.5